
Program Design

I offer program design for people want to exercise on their own but need some support in figuring out how to best work towards their goals. We’ll answer questions like:

What exercises will help me do x, y, and z?

How does my form look?

How often should I workout?

How long should I rest between workouts?

How and when should I increase the intensity of my workouts?

When I'm working with someone to create a program, we meet three times. The first meeting is a conversation for me to get a better idea of what type of program will work for you. The second meeting is an hour-long session where we go through exercises together to review form and figure out variations and intensity that work best for each exercise. I will then send you a written program to try on your own. I like to meet with folks one more time a few weeks after this second session to check in about how the workout has felt, answer any questions, and make any adjustments that are needed. 

I charge a sliding scale of $120-360 for this service and ask you to use this guide to situate yourself on the sliding scale. Click below to schedule your first program design meeting.


Personal Training

The first step in personal training is having a conversation about goals, interests, needs, and experience. If it seems like we’re a good fit, we’ll spend our first session going through a fitness assessments. From there, I will write an individualized program that will shift as your goals and needs change. We will meet regularly so that I can provide support and coaching to meet your goals as safely and enjoyably as possible.

All personal training is provided on a sliding scale of $40-120 for a one hour session. I ask you to use this guide to situate yourself on the sliding scale. People who pay the highest points help fund those who pay closer to the bottom of the scale.

I do not currently have opening for personal training. Join my listserv to find out when spaces open up!