Weightlifting 101


Weightlifting 101

from $0.00

The sliding scale is $0-400. Please use this graphic from Ride Free Fearless Money to help situate yourself on this sliding scale.

This six week series will meet Wednesdays 8-9:30 AM Eastern Time May 29-July 3. Recordings will be available for any class you miss.

To participate, you will need at least one set of dumbbells and an internet connection. Each week, we will talk about how to design your own workouts before performing a workout together, focusing on form and modifications to ensure that you find exercises that are a good fit for your body and goals.

I invite participants to message me between sessions to connect one-on-one about any challenges, questions, or concerns that are coming up, such as, “how is my squat form?” I will also provide structure for participants to find workout buddies to meet with outside of sessions.

Space is limited to 20 participants to enable us to get to know one another and address individuals’ access needs appropriately.

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